A Worthy Cause

Ingomar Living Waters is an outreach ministry of the nonprofit Ingomar Church located in Pittsburgh with a vision bring the gift of clean water to the world. They held their first ever Turning Wine into Water event on Saturday, June 1 at the Engine House 25 Winery and Roberto Clemente Museum to raise money for their cause and also launch the new brand for the organization.

Pipitone Group had the pleasure of working with Rick Mowrey, John Ellis and Philip Brooks from the organization to create and implement the group’s branding and a website for Ingomar Living Waters as well as helping to promote their Turning Wine into Water.

The opening event was a success with attendees enjoying wine, touring the museum and most importantly raising money for this worthy cause. Wine glasses with the organization’s logo were handed out at the entrance to be used for the tastings along with copies of the book The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns; a book that inspired the creation of the nonprofit organization.


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Pipitone News Team

Written by Pipitone News Team

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