The Attention Economy: Generating Effective Calls-to-Action

Posted by Leah Moore on Aug 26, 2014 1:56:00 PM


“What’s the ask?” An old marketing/sales term referring to, “what are you asking your audience to do,” is critical in moving prospects and leads to action. While calls-to-action (CTAs) are important in almost all aspects of marketing and communications, today they’re nowhere more prevalent than online.

In fact, you see CTAs every day—and react to them—often without even noticing. If you visit Google, you are told to “search.” If you are new to Twitter, the social network will prompt you to “join today.” After watching a funny video on YouTube, you’re shown a grid of nine similar or related videos. And you check your bank account balance online only to be prompted to “Check Your Rewards.” These CTAs prompt you to the next step in engaging with the content and drive you to the next stage in the buying process.

So how can you use digital CTAs to more effectively boost your business? Read the free eBook, “The Complete Guide to Creating, Designing, and Executing Calls-To-Action” and then tell us what you think in the comments below.

How’s that for a CTA?

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